New language selection

Previously the default language was considered by country selection, now it can be selected separately! The Nimbo application now allows selecting between Spanish, English and Arabic languages regardless of the user's region.

The country selection will determine the vademecum the system will be using and the language selection will determine the language of the system interface. Remember that the language that is used in messages to your patients when they are discharged is determined by the cell phone number that was entered when creating the patient! 

This new functionality can be entered from two places:

When you create an account
When the user creates an account, he/she will have to enter his/her initial data such as name, email and password to be redirected to the account configuration. In this part he will be shown certain fields to complete about the organization, one of them being the language((((flow gif1))))

When modifying the user's profile
To enter this functionality, the user must follow the
My Account  > Profile > Application Language flow.

If you have any questions about this functionality, feel free to contact us via support chat.

Happy consultation!