New Features

Meet the latest enhancements and new features of Nimbo, get the most out of your subscription.

Activate your social media

We know that nowadays we all review the comments of any product or service of our interest, why not do it with your clinic?

Now with our new functionality your patients can easily go to the comments and ratings section on your social networks to leave their opinion and grow your presence.

The survey will be sent to your patients after a consultation and, following their response, they will be presented with the option to go to your page.


Digital charging for face-to-face appointments

We have added the possibility of prepaying your face-to-face consultations as you do with your teleconsultations!

Now, when you activate this feature, your patients will receive in their email or mobile a message with the link to make the payment for their consultation. In this way, the scheduled appointments will be confirmed upon payment, improving the automation of your agenda.


Medical references

Now you can streamline your information flow to better serve your patients! Send medical referrals with your patient's record by choosing only the necessary data to share to other doctors, labs, etc.

So you can control and provide the patient with only the necessary data for the medical referral you are making in a safe, fast and easy way!

Important note: The referral link can only be opened once, i.e. it can only be clicked once in order to maintain the integrity, security and privacy of the referenced patient.


Modify consultation prices when creating appointments for price flexibility

You can now customize the consultation prices when creating appointments in your calendar. If you have a default price set up, you can change it when scheduling your appointments!

How can I take advantage of this feature? There are many ways!

Here are a few:

If you are having a discount or marketing campaign, you can apply the new discounted price to attract more patients.
If your organization has different specialties, doctors can apply the new price according to the regular price of their practice.

Prescription Mailing and Electronic Signature Improvements

We improved mailing of prescriptions!

It is now possible to add a file with your electronic signature to add it to prescriptions.

You can upload the signature to your Nimbo account in My Account→Settings→Medical Prescription, under the Electronic Signature section. Additionally, if you do not already have a signature, you can create one from your computer here:">

Also, when mailing a prescription, you can add additional mailings to send copies of the prescription as well as add comments. These comments can be saved in templates for future reuse. Also, you can select whether to send prescriptions with electronic signature.

Your patients will receive an email with your comments and with the prescription in PDF format.

If you have any questions about this functionality, feel free to contact us via support chat.

Happy consultation!

Appointments Scheduled in the Waiting Room

We have added new features to the telehealth waiting room!

In addition to seeing patients waiting for appointments, you will now also see your next scheduled appointments, and if you wish, start teleconsultations from the waiting room. This allows you to better manage your scheduled and waiting room appointments in one place - you choose which patient to see!

¡Happy consultation!

Configurable Agendas

We recently introduced the Organizational Appointment Portal where you can find the availability of all physicians in your organization in one place. Through this portal, patients can schedule a consultation and are assigned equally to an available physician.

Now, it is possible to create agendas within your organization and select the physicians who belong. This allows your patients to schedule appointments that will be assigned equally among the physicians that are part of that agenda.

You will be able to configure the name of the agenda, the link that will be used by your patients to schedule appointments (slug), and the physicians that belong.

Some examples of agendas:

  • Agenda by specialties: to have specific agendas for each specialty offered in the practice.
  • Agenda by branch: to allow patients to schedule consultations with doctors from a branch exclusively.

You can set up an agenda from your organization settings within your Nimbo account.

If you have any questions about this functionality, feel free to contact us via support chat.

Happy consulting!

Simplified Branch Change

Physicians can now select which of the organization's branches they are consulting in.

Administrator accounts can enable this functionality from the organization settings.

Physicians will be able to select their current branch from the dropdown in the navigation bar.

If you don't have this functionality, you can write us through the application chat and we will activate it for you.

Happy consultation!

Customized Links for Payment Forms

More flexibility when charging your teleconsultations!

In case your organization wishes to use another payment gateway than Stripe to receive teleconsultation payments (especially in countries where Stripe does not offer service), it is already possible to include a link to another payment gateway of your choice in your account settings.

This link is included in the emails sent to patients, so that they can login and pay for their teleconsultation. You will only need to confirm the appointment once you receive the payment, as it will not be confirmed automatically.

If you wish to use Stripe, the default gateway, you can find more information on how to set it up with your Nimbo account in this video.

If you don't have this functionality, you can write us through the chat in the application and we will activate it for you.

Happy consultation!

Default Selected Mail Reminder

When you receive consultation requests in your inbox, the option to send patient reminders by email is selected by default. This ensures that your patients receive the payment link for teleconsultations as well as their appointment details.

Aditionally, if you wish, you can send reminders by text message or WhatsApp.

Happy consultation!